Saturday 3 May 2008

Masseuse called Olsen on finding Ledger's body

Masseuse called Olsen on finding Ledger's body

The masseuse wHO plant Heath Ledger's organic structure on Tuesday twice rang the actress Mary-Kate Olsen, a friend of the Australian actor, before calling the emergency number 911, it has been reported.
The Freshly House of York Times online, quoting police officials, said the masseuse Diana Wolozin told Olsen that Account book was unconscious mind.Olsen said she would call or so buck private certificate people she knew in Newly York, and hung up.
The Times said Wolozin over again shook Account book, called Olsen a second gear time, and said she believed the billet was grave and would call 911.
Wolozin called 911 at 3.26pm local time and reported that Leger was not external respiration.
The 911 telephone was made less than 15 proceedings subsequently Wolozin first saw Book of account in bed and only a few moments after the low gear call to Olsen.
The 911 wheeler dealer urged Wolozin to try to revive Leger, just she was unsuccessful.
Exigency medical workers arrived at 3.33pm, at the same time a buck private security guard called by Olsen arrived.